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Picking up our lives again

A new logo, a new venture. Olive & Edna has moved in a new direction!

As with so many small businesses over lockdown, we were unable to carry on as usual and take our lovely vintage clothes and accessories out to fairs. Although we have loved being part of the whole vintage scene, and will still continue to attend and support the amazing friends we have made over the years, we felt it was time to move on and do something we love which would be easier to pack and unpack if and when we got the chance to set up again.

Well that first chance came on Bank Holiday Monday 31st May, when our Council hosted a Spring Market in our local Wyndham Park.

As you can see we or at least I have, since Heidi is now fulfilling her dream of being a full time artist ( find her on Facebook - Heidi Clawson Art ) decided to concentrate on hand made jewellery. Some beading, but mostly polymer clay. I have become quite addicted to the art and am still amazed at what is possible with this medium.

So I will be adding new stock on a regular basis and finding new venues to sell as hopefully we return to something like a normal life.

I have already agreed to another local Market in Wyndham Park again on July 4th, so hopefully I will see some of you there. Do come and say hello



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